How much does it cost?
Our rates range between AUD $35 and $65 per 1000 words (US $25-45 | RMB ¥170-320) depending on the quality of your English and the discounts that apply to you (see below). This makes us cheaper than the editing houses of most journals. Plus, we deliver better quality! Our clients often tell us we are the best proofreading service they've ever used, and you'll see why if you give us a chance. We do A LOT more than just correct commas and typos - we are expert communicators and will transform your paper into a manuscript that reviewers love! For an accurate quote, please send us a small sample of your writing and a total word count, and we'll send you a sample edit and a formal estimate within 24 hours.

Do you offer discounts? Yes. We offer a standard 20% discount for students. We also offer a 10% discount for life, called our "Valued Client Discount", if you recommend our services to one of your colleagues. Note that your colleague doesn't even need to use us to qualify - we're just happy that you recommended us as this is primary way we sustain our business. We also offer a 10% discount on your first job in addition to a free 500-word sample edit. This gives you a chance to decide whether you like our style. Plus, we offer discounts at quiet times of the year - check our Home page for any current specials! Additionally, if you have a constrained budget but you still really need help, we can usually negotiate a price to fit within your means.

How do I pay?
Once you're happy with the work we completed, we issue you an invoice with 30 days to pay. This means we can bill your finance department and wait for payment if you'd prefer. We offer a number of different payment methods - Visa or Mastercard, bank transfer - or one of our Chinese payment methods: Alipay, WeChat Pay, or UnionPay.

Will I get a receipt?
Yes. If a tax invoice is not sufficient for you to claim reimbursements, we are happy to issue an official receipt on request. Additionally, if your organisation requires specific documentation for expense claims, just let us know and we’ll help if we can.

How good does my English need to be?
It doesn't need to be very good. We're used to dealing with authors who really struggle with English. Obviously, there's a limit to how bad the language can be, but as long we can get the general gist of what you're saying, we can usually work with what you provide. It's also worthwhile checking the Sample Edit page for some advice to help make yourself better understood.

When can I contact you?
WordbyWord isn't a 24/7 operation, but we do work a great deal! It's not uncommon to find someone answering emails and providing estimates late at night, in the wee hours of the morning, or on weekends. Once we've begun to work with you, you'll also have access to our mobile phone numbers so you can contact your proofreader directly at any time of the day or night – especially if you're up against a deadline.

Will you write sections of my paper for me?
No. The ideas, concepts, contributions, and innovations in your work must be yours.

What if I have questions about your changes? We’re happy to answer a few questions and do a second review of small sections of your paper at no charge (up to about an hour). However, lengthier discussions or a full second review of your paper may attract additional charges. Do note that we are not bilingual, so these discussions must take place in English.

What file formats do you accept?
We do all edits in Word. However, if you are authoring in LaTeX, all you need to do is simply copy and paste the original code into Word. We edit using Track Changes. So, once you've accepted or rejected all the changes we made, all you need to do is copy and paste the code back into LaTeX. If you are authoring in package other than LaTeX or Word, then create a PDF and send us that. We'll convert the file into Word for you. Note that you will have transpose all our changes back into your original file.

What about confidentiality?
WordbyWord takes confidentiality very seriously. We understand your research is your intellectual property and all submissions will be treated as strictly confidential. We guarantee that we will not discuss, divulge, or distribute any part of your work at any time. For more information about how seriously we treat your privacy, please visit the "Our clients" page.

What if I'm not happy with the work?
Send us an email and tell us. (We're happy to talk to you over the phone, but we also recognise that this can sometimes be uncomfortable.) If we can't resolve your problem, we'll waive the charges and wish you every success in your future endeavours. It's important to note that we work very hard to ensure your happiness and rarely find ourselves with unsatisfied clients.


Frequently Asked Questions